
A diverse group

driven by one vision

MADO’s co-founders came together because they both lit up when talking about what’s possible in the future — especially at the intersection of science, human-centered design and innovation.

Keeping tabs on trends and being curious about the future comes naturally for our studio. While we’ve done it instinctively our whole lives, we now have the structure and track record to deliver foresight innovation to clients across the globe.

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy.

There are many variations of passages available.

The majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable.

The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

There are many variations of passages available.

“Tiempos is the best agency I had the chance to work with. They are skilled and driven, patient and caring, passionate and loving, hardworking and funny. A great mix.”

Lisa Miller
CEO & Founder, Initech

Why Tiempos?

“Tiempos is the best agency I had the chance to work with. They are skilled and driven, patient and caring, passionate and loving, hardworking and funny. A great mix.”

Lisa Miller
CEO & Founder, Initech

“Tiempos is the best agency I had the chance to work with. They are skilled and driven, patient and caring, passionate and loving, hardworking and funny. A great mix.”

Ector Rodriguez
CEO & Founder, Acme

“Tiempos is the best agency I had the chance to work with. They are skilled and driven, patient and caring, passionate and loving, hardworking and funny. A great mix.”

Alexander Bosh
VP of Sales, Soylent

“Tiempos is the best agency I had the chance to work with. They are skilled and driven, patient and caring, passionate and loving, hardworking and funny. A great mix.”

Christine Hamilton
CMO, Duality Inc

“Tiempos is the best agency I had the chance to work with. They are skilled and driven, patient and caring, passionate and loving, hardworking and funny. A great mix.”

James Cameron
Lead Developer, Hooli

“Tiempos is the best agency I had the chance to work with. They are skilled and driven, patient and caring, passionate and loving, hardworking and funny. A great mix.”

Michaela Peterson
CEO & Founder, Crashjame

Katherine McMillan

Kat combines the skills of a tactical production designer with the mind of an international traveler and the curiosity of a philosopher. She sweats every detail of an ideation workshop or future-trends report. It has to be thought-provoking and engaging, “because who wants the future to be flat?”
How she got here:
Kat spent nearly a decade overseas at design consultancies in Sweden, the Netherlands and Spain before focusing on product design, strategy and trend research for Portland-based organizations. While serving as design lead at Cinco Design, she met Jaclyn and the two realized they were both informally bringing future-based analysis, creativity and strategy to their client teams. Soon after, MADO was born.
In her own words:
“My perspective is that it's not about the blender; it’s about the way that people want to nourish themselves. It's not about the chair; it’s something in the chair’s tactile quality that adds beauty and  comfort to their life. That kind of perspective has primed me for future thinking. I want to be a part of that bigger understanding of where we're going and why.”

Jaclyn Suzuki

Jaclyn is hard to define, which is kind of her super power. She’s able to talk to engineers and creatives in their own languages, while giving each one a dose of the curiosity and courage necessary to dream big.

She once asked product designers to imagine what a vacuum would look like if it could fold up like origami. Another time, she created a 50-year roadmap for the future of toothpaste. That’s right. Fifty years of toothpaste!
How she got here:
After working as a semiconductor processing engineer for a global tech firm and researching new materials for an artisanal glassmaker, Jaclyn found a home at Ziba Design, where she led product design and innovation programs for major brands — and spent a few years in the Tokyo office to boot. She was already incorporating future-forward approaches as a creative director when she and Kat decided to make foresight their sole focus at MADO.
In her own words:
“My dad’s an engineer and my mom’s an artist, so I bounce back and forth between the right brain and left brain a lot. I try to bridge creative vision for the future — let’s be bold and go farther — with a practical, engineering mindset. Then we figure out how to bring the vision to life.”

MADO maintains an extended network of trend analysts, researchers and designers, allowing us to customize the right team for your program’s needs.

Our Leadership

Lisa Willians
founder & Ceo
Tyler Willis
Co-founder, CFO
Karl Roget
Co-founder, CMO
Natasha Walker
lead developer
Ector Hernandez
Lead designer
Taylor Reed
art director
Eric Bergen
Jordan Mayo
Karen Jones
Alfred Williams
Marketing Expert
Norman Powell
customer care
Arold James
customer care